Monday, June 1, 2009

Just beginning

Because everything has to be about ME, I am starting this blog. I will tell the world how awesome I am and how cute my kids are. I will tell you my latest craze (usually crafty or kid-oriented) so you can try it too - because everyone wants to be like me because I am so great and everything has to be about ME.

No, I'm not really that cool.

I'm just a normal girl, turned engineer, turned wife, turned mom, turned domestic-engineer, living each day to the fullest. I love my kids a lot, but gripe about them a lot too. Don't think for one minute that my griping means I would trade them in for something else.

My kids teach me the same important lesson each day: love life because it is REALLY fun!

I have a tendency to get passionate about something and then get tired of it after a month or so and move onto something else. Some things I have been passionate about at one time or another:

rowing (that passion lasted until I had kids... maybe I will go back to it when I get more sleep)
polymer clay
sewing baby slings
leather work
artclay/silver clay
cloth diapers
lino carving
rubber stamp carving
vegetable and natural dyes
wool spinning
paper making
paper cutting
japan (where I live for now...)

Some things I am passionate about and continue to be passionate about:

kids - specifically my kids
brand new babies
working with my hands
exercise (though *what* exercise changes frequently)
good food
birth (especially drug-free birth, active birth and homebirth)
multilingualism in children
adult language acquisition
my macbook

and that... well that's it.

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